by John Peters | Apr 28, 2020 | Tips
5 tips for building an audience on Instagram I wanted to share with you today 5 tips for building an audience on Instagram I have learned during my time on Instagram. I have used Instagram to find like-minded people. Using Instagram has helped me open up and find my...
by John Peters | Apr 24, 2020 | Healing, Landscape, Lifestyle
Introverts and the Creative Process “Introversion is not defined by lack. Introversion, when embraced is a wellspring of riches”. Laurie Helgoe Many introverts are told they are too quiet, parents tell them to stop spending so much time in their bedroom, teachers tell...
by John Peters | Apr 21, 2020 | Gear, Landscape, Tips
Creative Photography and the Cyanotype Process Cyanotype is a creative photography printing process. Producing a cyan-blue print from anything you wish to print with. Often used for negatives or with natural objects. Engineers used to use this process as a...
by John Peters | Apr 9, 2020 | Landscape, Tips
Night Sky Photography Tutorial I have always been interested in photographing the night skies so I decided to write this night sky photography tutorial. There is something about standing below the stars, feeling that wonder at the world. It is a similar feeling of awe...
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