5 tips for building an audience on Instagram

5 tips for building an audience on Instagram

5 tips for building an audience on Instagram I wanted to share with you today 5 tips for building an audience on Instagram I have learned during my time on Instagram. I have used Instagram to find like-minded people. Using Instagram has helped me open up and find my...
Introverts and the creative advantage

Introverts and the creative advantage

Introverts and the Creative Process “Introversion is not defined by lack. Introversion, when embraced is a wellspring of riches”. Laurie Helgoe Many introverts are told they are too quiet, parents tell them to stop spending so much time in their bedroom, teachers tell...
Night sky photography tutorial

Night sky photography tutorial

Night Sky Photography Tutorial I have always been interested in photographing the night skies so I decided to write this night sky photography tutorial. There is something about standing below the stars, feeling that wonder at the world. It is a similar feeling of awe...