Loch Ness Photography book released
I have just released my Loch Ness photography book and it is available on my online shop now! The book is of photographs from around Loch Ness from around 5 years of heading out to capture the most atmospheric conditions on the loch. I live next to Loch Ness and have a deep love of water so it seemed like a great project to do over the course of my time living here.
The images are all grouped into sets either by weather or season. I have a section on snowy days on Loch ness, still, calm days and also a small chapter on the castles around the loch; Uruqhart Castle & Aldourie Castle. Accompanying introduction and words by writer Chloe Heuch adds to the book chapters.
This book was first designed 4 years ago but I didn’t ever get round to finding a great printing company that was easy to work with. I like the idea of simple small books that are accessible to everyone. Not that large beautiful coffee table books aren’t wonderful in their own way! But I decided to stay with smaller photographic zine-style books and will continue to print more books in the future to match this one. It also matches my “Quiet” book in size and style. There is something so very lovely about seeing your photography printed and a book is something to be so proud of. It is also a way of sharing your printed work with many who wouldn’t always buy a print of your work.
You can see and buy the book HERE
Also in my shop is my yearly photography calendar. The 2023 calendar has been printed and ready to ship nice and early! I concentrated on Loch ness photographs again for 2023 and combined them with quotes that I feel represent my values such as kindness, quiet and calmness. You can buy the calendar here